How to Write and Sell Erotica

How to Write and Sell Erotica

  2 Responses to “How to Write and Sell Erotica”

  1. Well, Mr Christian, allow me to start by saying something quite repetitive but i suppose it won’t hurt to say it one more time. I truly admire your blog, I find it incredibly informative and though I have no idea of the business, it would appear to me that you clearly do. I have been reading several other websites as I begin to embark in, not so much for a career as a hobby, writing erotica. Yours is by far and away the best to date and I congratulate you and thank you for sharing this knowledge. I wonder if you might spare a little time to share some details about your book with me? I am looking, as mentioned to start writing erotica. The sole audience is for my girlfriend who is currently living in the UK and well I like to think I’ve made a good start, i no i am by no means anywhere near the category of professional writer. I am a civil engineer by trade and thus literacy is not my strong point. As you have probably gathered from this mail, grammar and vocabulary are not my strongest points! I wonder what detail your book will provide to help me? I’m not so much interested in the marketing aspects or the plots, as I am comfortable in what i have so far. I am looking for help in finding the right words to express myself and the emotions i wish to convey. Now whilst I can buy a book for punctuation, grammar and standard vocab, to make my works truly great (or half decent?!) I feel I need to improve my descriptions of the sex scenes I am currently writing. I guess I am just seeking reassurance really that your book is one for me. I gather that you are very well thought of in the industry so accept that you may be busy, or may focus on other artists who need your help though I would be really grateful if you could give me some pointers to start. Thank you for your time and all the best

    Simon Brighouse

  2. Thanks so much for your comment, Simon! While I think my book could be a lot of help for you keep in mind that a lot of it is also about selling your work – not as important in your case. But, selling or no, the important thing with any kind of writing is to simply enjoy yourself!

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